La Valse du Blues

Chloé, 21 ans, est étudiante en beaux arts et a une vie toute tracée. Elle est très bien entourée par ses amis. Bref, tout lui sourit.

Mais elle ne sourit pas en retour, c’est juste un masque qu’elle a pris l’habitude de mettre en public. Une fois qu’elle rentre chez elle, ou qu’elle est seule, même juste pour quelques minutes, la vie devient sombre et tout bascule. Elle se sent seule.

Les interactions sociales sont sa seule batterie émotionnelle.

Title of the book : “Destins Croisés”, a mix of stories written and illustrated by 10 authors, including myself.

Publisher : Des Bulles Dans l’Océan

Year : 2021

Where to buy it : Librairie Maki à Bonne Mine, Ampasamadinika (Antananarivo, MADAGASCAR)


During the first few months of the pandemic, I tried to level up my illustrations skills as much as possible. I had a few commissions here and there but I needed a bigger challenge. I happened to stumble across a contest for a comic book for beginners, and told myself “Why not !”. I only had a week to write the story, do the storyboard, sketch all the drawings and vectorize them.

And there we have it, my very first comic book spreads, very much inspired by my own story.

Now keep in mind, this was a few months after I took illustrations and drawings more seriously, so of course it’s not perfect, but I am still super proud of it to this day.

I plan on redrawing everything in my current style and publish it in a zine, so keep an eye out on my social media links for that project !

Title of the story : “Mais…” / “And Yet…”

Not published (yet)

Year : 2020